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Impaired Fertility and Sperm Quality

Untreated varicoceles can lead to decreased sperm quality and production, which can cause infertility. Although there is no evidence that untreated varicoceles cause a deterioration of sperm quality, treating a varicocele can enhance sperm quality and improve fertility outcomes.

Decreased Testosterone Production and Male Hypogonadism

Varicoceles can cause decreased testosterone production by the testis. Over time, this can lead to low testosterone levels or male hypogonadism. Treatment of varicoceles can help address this issue and restore normal testosterone production.

Scrotal Discomfort and Pain

Varicoceles are swollen veins in the scrotum that can cause mild symptoms such as scrotal swelling or aching pain in the testicle. If left untreated, the discomfort and pain associated with varicoceles may persist or worsen over time.

Testicular Atrophy and Shrinkage

What are the consequences of untreated varicocele?If left untreated, varicoceles can lead to shrinkage of the affected testicle, a condition known as testicular atrophy. This can cause poor development of the testicle and low sperm production, potentially resulting in infertility.

Surgical treatment of varicoceles may help to prevent testicular atrophy and improve fertility outcomes.

Low Testosterone's Effects on Sex Drive, Bones, and Muscles

Low testosterone levels, which can be caused by untreated varicoceles, may lead to reduced sex drive, weakened bones, and muscle loss. Addressing the underlying cause of low testosterone by treating varicoceles can help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall health.

Left-Sided Varicoceles: Prevalence and Significance

Approximately 85% of varicoceles occur on the left side of the scrotum. While the reason for this prevalence is not entirely clear, it is important to recognize this pattern when diagnosing and treating varicoceles in order to achieve the best outcomes.

Treatment Options: Surgery and Varicocele Percutaneous Embolization

If a varicocele is causing pain, testicular atrophy, or infertility, treatment may be necessary. Options include surgery or a minimally invasive procedure called varicocele percutaneous embolization. Both approaches can be effective in addressing the symptoms and complications of untreated varicoceles, thereby improving quality of life and fertility prospects.

The Importance of Timely Treatment and Potential Deterioration of Sperm Quality

While most varicoceles with no symptoms do not require treatment, it is important to closely monitor any changes in symptoms or fertility. Timely treatment of varicoceles can help to prevent complications such as testicular atrophy, infertility, and the potential deterioration of sperm quality. Consultation with a healthcare professional can help determine the appropriate course of action and ensure the best possible outcomes.

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